Plays with the photograph – The spring- Polish landscape   6 Komentarzy


6 responses to “Plays with the photograph – The spring- Polish landscape

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  1. Thank you :)


  2. Fascinating!

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  3. Thank you :D

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  4. You created something and obviously you got the effect you wanted. Well done Andrew!

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  5. It is the effect of the use of the filter „the pop art” during photographing for the obtainment of specific colours. In Corel Paintshop Pro I blended several layers with different effects for the obtainment of the effect „the vibration” of the image. If you took this that the entire atmosphere trembled and trees dance from the joy and the desire of the bloom of the new life this I obtained the intended effect :D
    Heartily I greet, Andrew

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

  6. What have you done!! It looks like the trees and the whole atmosphere are shaking! No, they are dancing, because finally, the spring has arrived 🌸🌸

    Polubione przez 1 osoba

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